In which I am continually distracted from scraping board game info by the board games themselves.¶
This is part 1 of a series of posts about a recommender system deployed as a web app. In part 2 I build out the actual recommender algorithm from my scraped data. In part 3 I talk about actually implementing the app using the web2py
framework and the d3.js
library. (BGG) is an online community for board game enthusiasts that provides social network features as well as a huge database of board games with ratings, comments, statistics, and other features of each game. Now, I quite like board games, especially the more complex Euro-style games (like Settlers of Catan and Ticket to Ride). But what I really like is a gigantic steaming pile of data like this site. BGG also has a (recently improved) API so we can mostly avoid the heartache of trying to parse HTML from a page in the wild.
So what would I do with all this data, besides fill a pool with it and swim around Scrooge McDuck style? My idea was to make a recommender system tool for helping people find more "GeekBuddies" on the site: you input your user name and get a visualization of your GeekBuddy social graph out to two-degrees of separation (friends-of-friends) where 2nd-degree connections are colored according to some metric of similarity with the user. I was picturing something very fancy like this:
The first step seemed to be actually, you know, getting the data, and that is what this post is about!
Tools Covered:¶
package for retrieving HTML pages and using APIsbs4
package for parsing HTML and XML documentssqlite3
for interacting with local SQLite databases via pythondf.to_sql()
for seamlessly moving data between a DB and pandas DF
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pickle
from time import sleep
import timeit
import snips as snp # my snippets
snp.prettyplot(matplotlib) # my aesthetic preferences for plotting
%matplotlib inline
def req(msg, slp=0.2):
"""Make fault tolerant BGG server requests."""
# Sleep to make sure you are not pinging the server to frequently
# Keep trying requests until status-code is 200
status_code = 500
while status_code != 200:
r = requests.get(msg)
status_code = r.status_code
# if status_code != 200:
# print("Server Error! Response Code %i. Retrying..." % (r.status_code))
# print("An exception has occurred, probably a momentory loss of connection. Waiting three seconds...")
return r
The Anatomy of Scraping and API Calls¶
Using requests
with BeatifulSoup
is almost too easy. You send the server a single URL and it sends you back a response - you'll get HTML if your URL was just a normal page on the site, and you'll get XML back if instead your URL reflects the API format. (I'm just talking about the BGG API here - the documentation for which is here (version 1) and here (version 2)). Then you simply parse the response text with BeatifulSoup
using the appropriate parser. Here is the basic anatomy of what we'll be doing (this example is an API call, returning XML):
r = requests.get("")
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "xml") # Use the xml parser for API responses and the html_parser for scraping
print(r.status_code) # 404 not found and the like. Hopefully 200!
Sometimes a server will spazz out and flub your request or sometimes your connection will blink out in the middle of reading a response, so it's good to wrap requests.get()
in something a little more fault tolerant:
def request(msg, slp=1):
'''A wrapper to make robust https requests.'''
status_code = 500 # Want to get a status-code of 200
while status_code != 200:
sleep(slp) # Don't ping the server too often
r = requests.get(msg)
status_code = r.status_code
if status_code != 200:
print("Server Error! Response Code %i. Retrying..." % (r.status_code))
print("An exception has occurred, probably a momentory loss of connection. Waiting one seconds...")
return r
Scraping to Get Game IDs¶
In an ideal world I'd have access to a list of all game IDs and a list of user names, and I could just start making API requests. This is not an ideal world, so instead I'm going to scrape the "Browse" section of BGG to acquire a list of game IDs.
The requests
package can be used in conjuntion with bs4
to do some pretty powerful web scraping stuff. Here I'm going to request the HTLM for each page in the pages of results for browsing all boardgames. This actually works quite well as I can specify that I want to browse a list sorted by number of ratings, in descending order, and in this way I can cut off the scraping when I reach whatever ratings sparsity I want (maybe somewhere around 100 ratings per game?). I'm starting the scrape from this page. Remember to code in a short time delay (one or two seconds) between server requests, otherwise you might get your IP blacklisted, you hacker! For now the only info I'll pull is the game ID (an integer), the game name, the number of ratings, and the URL for a thumbnail pic of the game.
# Initialize a DF to hold all our scraped game info
df_all = pd.DataFrame(columns=["id", "name", "nrate", "pic_url"])
min_nrate = 1e5
npage = 1
# Scrap successful pages in the results until we get down to games with < 1000 ratings each
while min_nrate > 1000:
# Get full HTML for a specific page in the full listing of boardgames sorted by
r = request("" % (npage,))
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser")
# Get rows for the table listing all the games on this page
table = soup.find_all("tr", attrs={"id": "row_"}) # Get list of all the rows (tags) in the list of games on this page
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["id", "name", "nrate", "pic_url"], index=range(len(table))) # DF to hold this pages results
# Loop through each row and pull out the info for that game
for idx, row in enumerate(table):
# Row may or may not start with a "boardgame rank" link, if YES then strip it
links = row.find_all("a")
if "name" in links[0].attrs.keys():
del links[0]
gamelink = links[1] # Get the relative URL for the specific game
gameid = int(gamelink["href"].split("/")[2]) # Get the game ID by parsing the relative URL
gamename = gamelink.contents[0] # Get the actual name of the game as the link contents
imlink = links[0] # Get the URL for the game thumbnail
thumbnail = imlink.contents[0]["src"]
ratings_str = row.find_all("td", attrs={"class": "collection_bggrating"})[2].contents[0]
nratings = int("".join(ratings_str.split()))
df.iloc[idx, :] = [gameid, gamename, nratings, thumbnail]
# Concatenate the results of this page to the master dataframe
min_nrate = df["nrate"].min() # The smallest number of ratings of any game on the page
print("Page %i scraped, minimum number of ratings was %i" % (npage, min_nrate))
df_all = pd.concat([df_all, df], axis=0)
npage += 1
sleep(2) # Keep the BGG server happy.
df = df_all.copy()
# Reset the index since we concatenated a bunch of DFs with the same index into one DF
df.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
# Write the DF to .csv for future use
df.to_csv("bgg_gamelist.csv", index=False, encoding="utf-8")
print("Number of games with > 1000 ratings is approximately %i" % (len(df),))
print("Total number of ratings from all these games is %i" % (df["nrate"].sum(),))
Lets get a sense of how common different amounts of ratings are by histogramming.
import numpy as np
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
snp.labs("LOG(# Ratings)", "Count", "Distribution of LOG(# Ratings)")
__ = ax.hist(np.log10(df["nrate"].astype(float)), bins=30)
Using API to Get Ratings for Games¶
Now that we have the integer game IDs, the specific ratings information for any game can be had, in XML form, directly from the API. This XML response is a lot cleaner and easier to parse than the HTML we had to scrape to get our list of game IDs. Each rating lives in it's own simple comment
type div.
# Getting the ratings of specific board game (each is in a "comment" div)
r = request("")
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "xml")
comments = soup("comment")
Paged API Calls¶
With the BGG API ratings retrieval is paged, meaning when you send the URL requesting ratings for a particular item, you get back only a chunk of 100 ratings at a time. The chunk you get is controlled by the page
parameter of the request so you should make a loop which keeps sending request, incrementing page each time, until the result is empty (you incremented past the last page of stuff). Remember that an empty list will evaluate to boolean False
so we can use that to control our loop.
Start Small: Get A Toy Data Set¶
Ultimately I am going to want to pull ratings from all games with any significant number of ratings (like 50 or more). That is going to end up being shit ton of games and ratings. More than my laptop can handle. So lets first get a toy data set to play with, so we can do all our troubleshooting and development with dataframe that won't melt my harddrive.
print("Dropping the 20 most-rated games would give a total number of ratings of %i"
% (df.loc[500:, "nrate"].sum(),))
print("Thresholding at 2000 ratings gives %i games and %i total ratings"
% (df.loc[df["nrate"] < 2000, "nrate"].count(),
df.loc[df["nrate"] < 2000, "nrate"].sum()))
# Restrict the data set to fewer games that have fewer ratings (our toy data set!)
df_toy = df.loc[df["nrate"] < 2000, ].copy()
I think I'll stick with the 2000 ratings or fewer threshold. Since we stopped scraping board games at 1000 ratings this is kind of a small range - only games with between 1000 and 2000 ratings! That's OK, it's just a toy set for now. Since we are going to grab about 1.2 million ratings in total, if we do it just in batches of 100, with a delay of 2 seconds per API ping, this would take an unacceptably long time.
Getting Ratings for Multiple Games at Once¶
Instead of going game-by-game, each API call I make will request the $n^{th}$ page of ratings for multiple games at once - I can do this just by providing a list of integer game IDs in the id=
parameter of the URL. I'll set up a vector that initializes to the number of full (meaning has 100 comments) pages for each game ID, and then after each API call I'll decrement every element by one. Each call will include in its id=
list only game ids who still have $npages > 0$. Even when we provide a list of IDs the response comments don't have any attribute indicating which game they belong to (why???), but they will be ordered according to the id
list. That's why I will only be pulling full pages of ratings - that allows me to know that the first 100 comments map to the first game ID that I provided etc. At the end we can run through game-by-game and grab the last partial page of ratings for each game. And finally, to complicate things even further, we can't provide a list of all the game ids at once because the response will be too big, so we'll have to do the above procedure on just one chunk of the games at a time.
# Prepare a "# of FULL pages of ratings" column to track # API calls needed
df_toy["nfullpages"] = (df_toy["nrate"]-50).apply(round, ndigits=-2)/100 # Round DOWN to nearest 100
Writing Results to a SQLite Database¶
Eventually this is going to be a big data set - a lot more than 1000 games a lot more than 1.2 million ratings. So let's set up the infrastructure of a local database right from the start. Every time I finish grabbing full pages of ratings from a chunk of games I'll push the resulting dataframe into this database.
# Create the database and make a cursor to talk to it.
import sqlite3
connex = sqlite3.connect("bgg_ratings_toy.db") # Opens file if exists, else creates file
cur = connex.cursor() # This object lets us actually send messages to our DB and receive results
# Gathering all ratings from all games in toy data set
# Get ratings page-by-page for all games, but do it in chunks of 250 games
for nm, grp in df_toy.groupby(np.arange(len(df_toy))//150):
# Initialize a DF to hold all the responses for this chunk of games
df_ratings = pd.DataFrame(columns=["gameid", "username", "rating"], index=range(grp["nrate"].sum()+100000))
# Initialize indices for writing to the ratings dataframe
dfidx_start = 0
dfidx = 0
# For this group of games, make calls until all FULL pages of every game have been pulled
pagenum = 1
while len(grp[grp["nfullpages"] > 0]) > 0:
# Get a restricted DF with only still-active games (have ratings pages left)
active_games = grp[grp["nfullpages"] > 0]
# Set the next chunk of the DF "gameid" column using the list of game IDs
id_list = []
for game in active_games["id"]:
id_list += [game]*100
dfidx_end = dfidx_start + len(active_games)*100
df_ratings.iloc[dfidx_start:dfidx_end, df_ratings.columns.get_loc("gameid")] = id_list
# Make the request with the list of all game IDs that have ratings left
id_strs = [str(gid) for gid in active_games["id"]]
gameids = ",".join(id_strs)
sleep(1.5) # Keep the server happy
r = request("" % (gameids, pagenum))
# while r.status_code != 200:
# sleep(2) # Keep the server happy
# print("Server Error! Response Code %i. Retrying..." % (r.status_code))
# r = requests.get("" % (gameids, pagenum))
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "xml")
comments = soup("comment")
# print("Response status was %i - number of ratings retrieved was %i" % (r.status_code, len(comments)))
# Parse the response and assign it into the dataframe
l1 = [0]*len(active_games)*100
l2 = [0]*len(active_games)*100
j = 0
for comm in comments:
l1[j] = comm["username"]
l2[j] = float(comm["rating"])
j += 1
df_ratings.iloc[dfidx_start:dfidx_end, df_ratings.columns.get_loc("username")] = l1
df_ratings.iloc[dfidx_start:dfidx_end, df_ratings.columns.get_loc("rating")] = l2
grp["nfullpages"] -= 1 # Decrement the number of FULL pages of each game id
dfidx_start = dfidx_end
pagenum += 1
print("pagenum updated to %i" %(pagenum,))
# Strip off the empty rows
df_ratings = df_ratings.dropna(how="all")
# Write this batch of all FULL pages of ratings for this chunk of games to the DB
df_ratings.to_sql(name="data", con=connex, if_exists="append", index=False)
print("Processed ratings for batch #%i of games." % (nm))
So that pulled all the full pages of ratings for all the games in our toy set. The final step is to pull the last partial page of ratings for every game individually. Keep in mind that we no longer know how many comment we'll receive from each response - this is why we need to request each game individually.
# Request the final partial page of ratings for each game
# Restore the correct number of FULL pages
df_toy["nfullpages"] = (df_toy["nrate"]-50).apply(round, ndigits=-2)/100 # Round DOWN to nearest 100, then divide by 100
# Initialize a DF to hold all the responses over all the chunks of games
df_ratings = pd.DataFrame(columns=["gameid", "username", "rating"], index=range(len(df_toy)*100))
# Initialize indices for writing to the ratings dataframe
dfidx_start = 0
dfidx = 0
# Loop through game-by-game and request the final page of ratings for each game
for idx, row in df_toy.iterrows():
# Get the game ID and the last page number to request
pagenum = row["nfullpages"] + 1
gameid = row["id"]
# Make the request for just the last page of ratings of this game
sleep(1) # Keep the server happy
r = requests.get("" % (gameid, pagenum))
while r.status_code != 200:
sleep(2) # Keep the server happy
print("Server Error! Response Code %i. Retrying..." % (r.status_code))
r = requests.get("" % (gameid, pagenum))
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "xml")
comments = soup("comment")
# print("Response status was %i - length of comments is %i" % (r.status_code, len(comments)))
# Set the next chunk of the DF "gameids" column with this gameid
id_list = [gameid]*len(comments)
dfidx_end = dfidx_start + len(comments)
df_ratings.iloc[dfidx_start:dfidx_end, df_ratings.columns.get_loc("gameid")] = id_list
# Parse the response and assign it into the dataframe
l1 = [0]*len(comments)
l2 = [0]*len(comments)
j = 0
for comm in comments:
l1[j] = comm["username"]
l2[j] = float(comm["rating"])
j += 1
df_ratings.iloc[dfidx_start:dfidx_end, df_ratings.columns.get_loc("username")] = l1
df_ratings.iloc[dfidx_start:dfidx_end, df_ratings.columns.get_loc("rating")] = l2
dfidx_start = dfidx_end # Increment the starting index for next round
if idx%100 == 0:
print("Finished with a chunk of 100 games.")
# Strip off the empty rows
df_ratings = df_ratings.dropna(how="all")
# Write this final batch of all partial pages of ratings for this chunk of games to the DB
df_ratings.to_sql(name="data", con=connex, if_exists="append", index=False)
# Save our changes and close the connection
Inspecting the Ratings Data¶
That's it! Now all the ratings from our toy data set (board games with between 1k and 2k ratings) are stored in our database. Let's open the connection to the DB back up and read it all out into a pandas DF (since it's just the toy set, we can handle it).
connex = sqlite3.connect("bgg_ratings.db") # Opens file if exists, else creates file
cur = connex.cursor() # This object lets us actually send messages to our DB and receive results
sql = "SELECT * FROM data" + ";"
df_ratings = pd.read_sql_query(sql, connex)
Sanity Check - Do Our Ratings Distributions Agree with Server Stats?¶
Here's a good sanity check, let's make sure our distribution of ratings for a few games looks like the BGG distribution of ratings on the pages for those games.
fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=[16, 4], nrows=1, ncols=3)
axs = axs.ravel()
for idx, game in enumerate(df_toy["id"].sample(n=3, random_state=999)):
df = df_ratings[df_ratings["gameid"] == game]
nm = df_toy.loc[df_toy["id"] == game, "name"].values
__ = axs[idx].hist(df["rating"], bins=10, normed=True)
axs[idx].set_title("%s (%i)" % (nm, game))
print("%s Our Data: Mean = %.2f. StdDev = %.2f" % (nm, df["rating"].mean(), df["rating"].std()))
# Request actual stats from the server to compare with scraped data
r = requests.get("" % (game,))
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "xml")
std = float(soup("stddev")[0]["value"])
mn = float(soup("average")[0]["value"])
print("%s Server Stats: Mean = %.2f. StdDev = %.2f" % (nm, mn,std))
I am confident now that we didn't do anything wildly wrong when gathering the ratings data!
Restricting to Users with > 10 Ratings¶
To build our recommender system let's start by only keeping users who rated at least 10 of these games.
# A nifty and somewhat fault-tolerant way of constructing long SQL queries
sql = " ".join((
"SELECT username",
"FROM (SELECT username, count(*) as freqn FROM data GROUP BY username)",
"AS tbl WHERE freqn > 10",
users = pd.read_sql_query(sql, connex)
usrs = ["'" + usr + "'" for usr in users["username"].values]
str_matching = "(" + ",".join(usrs) + ")" # Construct the string of SQL language
sql = "SELECT * FROM data WHERE username IN " + str_matching + ";"
df_ratings = pd.read_sql_query(sql, connex)
This is starting to look good as the raw data for a simple recommender system! Let's do one last calculation on the sparsity of this ratings data. If every user in our toy set rated every movie in our toy data we'd have a sparsity of 100%. Instead we have:
max_n_ratings = len(df_ratings["gameid"].unique())*len(df_ratings["username"].unique())
actual_n_ratings = len(df_ratings)
print("Sparsity of Ratings Data is %.2f%%" % (100*actual_n_ratings/max_n_ratings))
Note on Requesting Collections - Request gets Queued¶
I haven't tried to query and collections info with the API, but I just wanted to includ this note for future work. See forum post. You just keep re-running the query until you don't get a "Your request has been queued" response.
r3 = requests.get("")
soup = BeautifulSoup(r3.text, "xml")